Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Mark your calendars...........

As we were watching Good Eats tonight (a very weird Mr. Sweeny episode) we saw the first commercial for the Dear Food Network Thanksgiving episode that Jacob and I participated in back in August. We are so excited that it is finally going to be on. The "premiere" will be on November 17th at 9pm. And if you miss it then..... I'm sure that it will air another 100 times before Thanksgiving day. I have promised Jacob that we will watch it together that first night, even though it is a Monday and a school night.

So mark your calendars and don't forget the popcorn.............


Cristy said...

awesome. I'll set the tivo!

Melanie said...

Ok I posted this in a thread about your trip by I'm dying to know, will sweet Shadow be going with you? What is her whole process in this? If you already blogged about it and I missed it, I'm sorry!!!