Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Thoughts on TSA

I’ll preface this post by stating that I understand that all of the measures are taken for my protection. As everyone is aware, there are much tighter restrictions for flying than ever, the list of prohibited items is very large and includes liquids in containers larger than 3 ounces…..3 ounces!?! Anyone who has flown in the past knows that on the airplanes the air is drier than a popcorn fart and that having water with you is a way to compensation and prevent dehydration on the plane. In the past, they used to give out small bottles of water when you asked, now they only hand out cups of water (I’m sure it’s a cost cutting move). Now the airlines try to do a very good job of walking up and down the aisles every 30-40 minutes offering cups of water. That will work to keep me hydrated but it’s awfully tough to place the cup of water in the seatback for later drinking or to slowly drink on the flight as needed. A little turbulence and that cup of water is going all over you, your computer or your neighbor so you’ve got to drink it quickly to prevent spillage.

You can purchase water once through the airport security checkpoint so there is an opportunity to take water on to the flight with you… least that’s that way I thought it worked. Of course, you’ll pay through the nose for that drink since you they control the supply and therefore the cost. The odd thing is that on the return flight from Shanghai to Atlanta, this cannot be done. I went through customs, then through the security screening process (thanks to the nice female security agent that gave me the physical patdown and “wanding” when I set off the metal detector. I think we’re engaged now but I’m not certain). So I’m through security and off to the gate area. I purchase a blue Gatorade to carry on to the plane for the flight. Off topic for a moment, in Frankfurt, I selected the clear Powerade and discovered that the clear was the Lemon-Grapefruit flavor, oh yeah Lemon-Grapefruit, mmmmm (not so much). So back to Shanghai, during the boarding announcement for my flight I discover that we’ve got to go through a TSA screening before boarding the plane, no liquids....Huh!?!? I’ve already gone through the very thorough screening and x-ray process so I’ve been cleared according to the airport. However, TSA figures it’s now time to search every bag (much like heading into a ball park, open the bag and they’ll thumb through all of the stuff) before you can get on the plane. I’ve got to dump the Gatorade since I can’t take it on the flight. I don't understand, I can clear customs and the security screening, shouldn't everything from that point forward be okay. It’s nothing to do with the cost of the Gatorade, it’s just the oddity of now having to get TSA’s blessing to get on the flight. Alright, it’s their rules so I just shut up and board the plane hoping they’ll serve plenty of water on the flight (but I'm gonna grumble about it).

So we land in Atlanta and there’s yet another treat waiting from TSA. Now, you’ve got to clear customs and then go through security screening again. Yes, that’s right, I have to go through the security screening process AFTER I’ve landed in Atlanta. So, a 14 hour flight, wait in line for customs, then wait in line for security screening. In the security line, the TSA agent tells me to take off my belt…my belt? Really, I wonder if they understand the purpose of a belt, especially on me. But, what’s my option, I take off my belt and just hope they don’t have to wand me so I can hold on to my pants (otherwise there’s no telling if they’ll hold in position or if I’m about to provide the answer to boxers or briefs to 150 or so of my closest friends….think about the poor kids scarred for life). Okay, I’m through security and right there you can wait for your luggage. Finally it arrives and you pick it up off the carousel and you’re still not done (oh heck no). Now you take your luggage over to another TSA agent who scans the luggage ticket and points to another line (how efficient). Ahhh, of course, now you have to place your luggage on a conveyor belt and head for the Baggage Claim area in the Terminal to pick up your bags again. Is this making sense to you? I’ve been screened by the Chinese airport security, then screened again by TSA in China to get on the flight. I’ve been screened again upon arrival in Atlanta and once I get my luggage, I’ve got to give it right back and then go and wait for it again in the terminal. Again, I understand this is for my own safety but exactly what am I being protected from at this point? My plane has arrived, what am I going do now….hijack the moving sidewalk? It’s too much! I don’t even know that I understand why they screen folks that are making connections upon arrival in Atlanta. Think about it, everyone was screened twice to get on the plane to fly to Atlanta…should they be screened again before boarding a plane to Greenville (or wherever)? What exactly are you going to find now that you missed before? Granted the Delta food could be considered a WMD but that’s more self-inflicted pain and discomfort. It’s not like they use more sophisticated equipment or techniques in Atlanta (you ever see a TSA agent look even remotely interested in what they were doing?). There’s just something with the logic that escapes me regarding TSA. I can appreciate that this is all designed for my safety but c’mon, this is what happens too often with a government program; it starts with good intentions but ends up with poor logic & execution in an overblown, bureacratic nightmare. You wonder why these corporations purchase jets with the taxpayer's money....maybe they have a seat available, I'll bring my own water.

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