Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Rebuttal

So this morning (Sunday morning) I take a look at my wife’s post and realize that she’s hung me out there as a waffler (not to be confused with Alton Brown’s superhero, The Waffler [see Food Network]) on the apartment move. This necessitated my rebuttal post to ensure that the truth comes out (since we all know that the truth will set you free). Yes, we looked at the Chateau Towers and found a nice apartment but in my defense, she did nothing but talk about the Horizon apartments since she returned from being over there for an afternoon raiding a woman’s pantry so she was on a shopping high (just to clarify, the family in the apartment is heading back to the US at the end of the week so they needed to clean up and Tammy “helped them out”). So I simply asked the question, “Should we consider Horizon since there are more kids there and it seems you like the apartments there?” (Your honor, I’d like to admit that statement into evidence as Exhibit A) It’s a tough call since we both would probably stay here where we know people but we need to consider the kids and determine if they would rather be around other kids or surrounded by adults all the time. I have to note that she took my quote out of context, totally twisting my words (just like the “main stream media” back home) and therefore I had to post to set the record straight (if you find other posts of questionable content; you should forward those on to me so I can “set the record straight”). This is all in jest of course so don’t be concerned about our relationship; we’re just as “stable” as we have always been. So now the truth is out there, you can choose to believe who you want to believe.

So we’re into Football season now and it’s weird. I was able to watch some NFL Preseason games online and although the video feed was questionable, I could listen to the games and at least feel a little like I was “ready for some football”. However, we’re into week #2 and I realize it’s no use. I can’t see any game live since the game times don’t really fit into my schedule. Getting up at 1:00 am or 4:00 am to watch a game on a Monday morning doesn’t really make working go over well. Tammy is kind of used to being an NFL widow (and she does watch the games with me, unless it’s a Cowboys game because she knows I get too worked up) so she knows I love to watch my football. My lovely spouse actually accused me of getting up at 6:30 am on a Sunday morning to watch one of the Cowboy’s preseason games (a Saturday night game). I had to plead insanity because I actually woke up thinking it was Monday. So I got up, showered and after stepping out of the shower, realized it was Sunday morning. Of course, just to add to the idiocy of the move, I plugged my beard trimmer into the wall outlet and stepped out of the shower just in time to watch the plug-in transformer blow since the trimmer isn’t rated for the correct power. So she went from thinking I’m an idiot to get up to watch a football game to just thinking I’m an idiot (I don’t know which was more offensive). Anyhow, NFL games look to be pretty much out of the question unless I’m willing to adjust my schedule quite a bit. I keep up with the happenings as much as I can online but it’s not the same. When I get the scores, the games are over. You can’t get a feel for what’s really happening but I still love my football. I’d wear my Cowboy’s jersey to bed but Tammy might feel that I need a psychiatric evaluation to determine if this move has caused some kind of breakdown (you try and figure out what differentiates a breakdown and the “normal” me….now that’s a pretty fine line).

We have been able to get the NCAA games online and I have watched the last two Georgia games since those have been night games. Today we found out that ESPN will show some of the college football games. They showed the Tulsa v. Oklahoma and Oregon v. Utah game replays today. These weren’t the greatest games to watch but at least it was college football. This is the more local ESPN so it concentrates a lot on soccer, which is okay but I’d like to see American football. I was surprised to see NCAA football and I hope it continues.

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