Saturday, October 17, 2009


We went to Casa Zoe's for dinner tonight. No big surprise there, it's a pretty good Tex-Mex restaurant with good cheeseburgers. The manager (Lena) came over to us tonight and was telling us about upcoming things of note ~ they will be ordering and selling turkeys for Thanksgiving, yea! and homemade apple pie. We both got very excited at the concept of having Thanksgiving dinner in China. All we need is a fryer and we will be all set!

We order drinks and our dinner, Warren is the first to get his. He ordered penne pasta with Bolognese sauce. As the waitress was putting it in front of him, Scott made the comment, "how much you want to bet he finishes the whole thing?" Now there is a pile of pasta on the plate and those of you who know the appetite of a growing 13 year old boy can pretty much guess who won't win that bet. Well right after he gets that out of his mouth I say to him, "what is more important to a 13 year old? Girls or food?" Does the phrase "can't talk... eating" ring a bell. Ding, ding, ding, you are the winner! Food wins! Some girls come into the restaurant and see Warren and say "hi Warren". Warren, being the normal 13 yr old, is still eating. Now he claims that he saw the girls walk in, yea right, and responds to them and then starts to blush (he will deny this!). It was a pretty cute exchange of words.

This brings us back to our great neighbors in Georgia. Warren and Jacob were (and still are) great friends with the neighbors on both sides of our home. So we always felt that special thing for Michael and Lorenzo with such beautiful young daughters. However, living here in Suzhou where neighbors come and go, you never really know what the parents believe (can you see where I am going with this???). We have found that there are some parents (not to name names but they mostly come from the area of EUROPE) that are very free in their thinking and how they raise their kids. We are far from being classified as liberal parents and can see where we might have to do that fight that battle before we depart. But we will fight it when and if it comes.

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