Sunday, January 3, 2010

What can you live without?

With the new year upon us, Scott and I have decided to look back on 2009. He is in the process of blogging about the year in a retrospective, I, on the other hand, have decided to make a list (wait, isn't that what he's 'famous' for?). My list will comprise of two things: things I can live without and things I cannot. Here it goes.....

Things I CAN live without:
~a car
~200 channels; face it you only watch 10 anyhow
~a big house; apartment is only 200 square meters
~credit cards; with the exception of Christmas shopping and I had to use the AMEX because all of the shopping was done online in the US
~canned vegetables
~a big dryer & washer; our current washer is 6.5kilos and the dryer is not quite 5kilos (let's just say that you can only wash 2 pairs of jeans and a shirt at a time without risk of not cleaning!)
~fast food (although a Chick Fil A sweet tea would be really good right now!)

Things I CANNOT live without:
~FoxNews; we can't see it but we sure do miss it!
~a good pizza
~VPN (internet proxy ~ don't worry, it's cool....Scott has one too. No penicillin is needed!)
~public transportation
~language lessons

With all of that said, this past year has been a year of so many different emotions. From sadness to anxiety to happiness to frustration, it's been a roller coaster. I am so thankful of where we are and what it took to get here.

I invite you, our loyal readers, to compose the same type of list (honestly and truthfully) and then try to live by it. Some are not so easy to do, but if you are forced to it's amazing what you can do!


Anonymous said...

How true it is, when you stop and think about wht you need and don't need. But a lot of those things are nice. Love ya's

Melanie said...

Love ya girl, this is all so true. Thanks for sharing and I miss you!!