Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Get out there

Okay folks! It’s that time of year where you need to step it up and perform your civic duty as a US Citizen. Vote! Get out there and be heard. Hopefully, you are informed about the candidates you will choose (if not, you should probably stay home since you can do more harm than good) and the ballot initiatives that you will be voting on. We take this for granted but it is something that we should embrace. If you don’t like the direction you see the school board, county judge, governor, etc. is headed, go and let them know. You don’t get this option everywhere around the world (like somewhere we all know). In the US, we have the opportunity to make a difference and unfortunately many people throw that away (in some cases some do it even when they vote...oops!). I won’t get on my soapbox (unless you beg) and tell you who to vote for. Everyone has their own reasons for voting for a person so just be informed (meaning educated, look for the cake and not the frosting if you understand my meaning) and vote. Everyone is saying this may be the most important election ever but we should all vote like each election is the most important one (the most important game is the next one).

It’s too bad that we can’t vote out a football coach. Wade, thanks for the memories pal but you’ve got to go. My Cowboys are in shambles. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. The best part is that I don’t have to watch them go out and not compete each week. Winning is always a good thing but when they don’t compete and begin to mail it in….that’s when I can’t stand watching. I’ve been through the 1-15 season before but at least then it was obvious that they were rebuilding. This year, a talented team that was picked to be one of the best….something has to be done. Wade, bring me your torch….the tribe has spoken.

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