Thursday, February 3, 2011

Take a moment to consider

This is our government at work, in a time of economic uncertainty, with jobs being lost by the thousands, what are they doing about it? Of course, they are seizing websites that dared to broadcast NFL games, TV shows and movies to those of us that wanted to watch but didn’t have the access to the correct TV signal. I guess is what they call focusing “like a laser” on creating jobs. This is a step by the government to take control of websites that allegedly violate copyright laws. Perhaps these sites were bypassing some of the legal issues but they allowed people to see NFL/NBA/MLB, etc. games when they weren’t at home. Did I pay for access….Hell No! Does that mean that I was supporting a criminal enterprise (I didn’t know that Al Capone was a silent partner at What about all of those people that go to Sports Bars on the weekends to watch games? How about if I invite people over to watch the game? Should the Feds break down my door? For me, this was a way to stay in touch with the local teams but I guess everyone wants their pound of flesh and if they weren’t getting paid…you ain’t getting the games (and we all know that this all revolves around $$$).

Compare this to what is happening elsewhere in the world. The Chinese government maintains the Great Firewall to prevent the citizens from getting “uncontrolled” access to news that may not be favorable to them. A recent example, the situation unfolding in Egypt (isn’t it a shame that Anderson Cooper got bitch-slapped [to be clear, this is sarcasm at its finest]? CNN has been taking a pummeling in the ratings and it’s well deserved). Try searching Egypt on a search engine in China and nothing comes up, it’s been blocked. Why? Good question. In Egypt, the government has shut down the internet and attempted to shut down many other outlets for people to communicate with the outside world. Isn’t this same thing that the Iranian government did during their “crisis” over the summer? You think this can’t happen in the US? Really?!?! Wake up and start paying less attention to American Idol and People magazine and start watching what is happening in DC. Consider if you will, a bill that is being proposed in Congress now that will give the President a “kill switch” for the Internet. This bill is sponsored by Joe Lieberman and Susan Collins (isn’t it a shame that the “Republicans” from Maine seem to always be on the wrong side of every issue, Olympia Snowe is pushing another similar bill to make my point even further...ladies, please do us a favor and move to Canada) and is probably not getting the recognition from the media outlets that it should. Consider the ramifications of having this switch; is it really a good thing?

All I wanted to do was to watch a football game, is that so wrong?

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