Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Video of Suzhou

Here is one of the many videos that we found on YouTube of the SIP area (Suzhou Industrial Park).  It is a video from the Chinese government, so be forewarned.  

This is the area where Scott's plant is being built and also where we will be living. Enjoy.........

Long Weekend

As I was driving home from the airport last night from my long weekend in Walt Disney World, my youngest child called me on the phone and said,  "Mom I'm hungry, what's for dinner, where are you?".  Do you think they missed me? My girlfriend and I went to WDW for the opening weekend of the annual Food & Wine Festival at Epcot.  We had a really good time, the food was good and so were the spirits. I'm not a wine drinker, but at each country they had a beer option.  My favorite was the Sam Adams Festival Brew (available only there at F&W).  
While there, I was sure to ride all the rides that I wanted and especially visit the China Pavilion.  I had never viewed the Circle-Vision film "Land of Beauty, Land of Time" there at the pavilion.  You stand in the center of this theatre when the movie starts and it is played on all the large screens at the top of the theatre in a circle.  As I was watching and admiring the scenery and thinking "This is so cool, I'm going to see this in real life!", the scene shifted to Suzhou, yes Suzhou.  Suzhou is actually part of the movie ~ weird but true!  I said out loud, "I'm moving there!"  I think the people around me thought that I had to much of the "festival".  

There is much to be said of a weekend of fun, but it is also good to be home.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Swimming with the Fishes

I must confess that I have never swam in the ocean, wading ankle deep does not count as "swimming".  Growing up in Maine swimming in the ocean was never an option (the water temp in June is a toasty 53 degrees).  While on vacation to the Gulf of Mexico (Gulf Shores, AL to be exact) the waves today were non-existent.  Today was the first time in as long as I can remember where I did not have some sort of anxiety about going deeper than ankle high.  The surf when we arrived on Sunday was crazy thanks to Ike, on Monday it was still rough (the red flags were still up), Tuesday the yellow was raised, but I was still ankle deep.  Today, however, was a different picture.  There were NO waves, the Gulf was as still as I have ever imagined.  I ventured out (still a little apprehensive) deeper and deeper until I was waist high.  Then before I knew it I was just hanging out!  It was really cool!  The cool factor was put over the top when we started seeing (and stepping on) Rays. We could not believe that they were so close.  They were not so big but we knew what they were. Very cool.  We were also swimming with the fishes, literally.  There were so many little fish that it looked like we were parting the Red Sea when we swam and waded through them. We also saw dolphins playing 50 to 100 yards out from us. Tonight when we walked the beach, Scott and the boys saw two more Rays that were probably 12" in diameter.  
When we got back to the condo, I did a quick Wikipedia search and saw that these puppies could be dangerous......  I think I may be back to ankle wading tomorrow!  

Full moon over the Gulf of Mexico

On a side note, Scott just read what I wrote and he thinks I have lost my mind when he found out that I have never swam in the ocean.  His question was "Why do you make me come to the beach if you don't swim?"  LOL!  

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Pedroia for President

Yes, I'm a huge Red Sox fan.  Living in Atlanta it's really hard to listen to the fair weather fans that surround us (you know who you are!).  I grew up in Maine, and one of my most favorite memories growing up was going to Fenway Park with my Dad and brother.  We always had obstructed view seats, but that did not even matter.  Growing up I remember seeing Yaz, Dwight Evans, Carlton Fisk, Fred Lynn, and Jerry Remy just to name a few.  I also remember watching Billy Martin kick dirt on home plate (who is Billy Martin???)  
Watching the Sox on TV these days brings me much joy.  No, it's not playoff time (but it's close). Seeing Dustin Pedroia (listed on the program at a mere 5'9") batting clean up behind Big Papi really makes my day!!! He's hitting .333 and went 3 for 4 today. Ok, all of you non-baseball fans just bear with me, you all know that I'm a Sox fan.  

The link is Pedroia's 3 run home run yesterday up and over the Green Monstah (for those of you familiar with the dialect!)  We will see what happens during the next 20 something days as the season comes to a close.  

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Learning Chinese

It has been an interesting few weeks here in the Dudley house. With the rapidly approaching deadline we have all been freaking out a little bit (some more than others).  So many things to do, so little time.  First off the children have been trying to master the Chinese language (insert laugh here!).  We have been very fortunate to have purchased the Rosetta Stone software (that's the one with Mr. Gold Medal as the spokesman) and have installed it on both Scott's work computer and very shortly onto my new laptop.  The other night the boys decided they were going to dive in and get to learning the language.  They think that when the computer says a phrase and they don't get it right, by speaking more loudly and yelling at the computer what they think the phrase should sound like the computer will change its mind. LOL.  It doesn't work that way.  I know, I know at least they are trying.  How about if you come to my house and listen to it for a while.  I'm not complaining, it's actually quite funny.  I have not had a chance to start the lessons, I'm sure that I will sound just as silly.  

On another note...  the first weekend of September is here and I am soon to become a football widow.  Yes, the Cowboys are on the TV on Sunday afternoon.  So those of you who play European Football on Sunday afternoons, you have seen the last of my dear husband!  See you in February!!  He has already started his medication for football withdrawals once we get to China, he will be up at 3am on a Monday morning watching the games live (LOL!).

On yet another sidebar...  as I am sitting here writing this post, I have on Fox News getting ready for the President to speak via satellite.  I have much more to post on that, it will have to wait until another day... if I can only wait that long!  
The McCain/Palin ticket rocks!