Thursday, September 18, 2008

Swimming with the Fishes

I must confess that I have never swam in the ocean, wading ankle deep does not count as "swimming".  Growing up in Maine swimming in the ocean was never an option (the water temp in June is a toasty 53 degrees).  While on vacation to the Gulf of Mexico (Gulf Shores, AL to be exact) the waves today were non-existent.  Today was the first time in as long as I can remember where I did not have some sort of anxiety about going deeper than ankle high.  The surf when we arrived on Sunday was crazy thanks to Ike, on Monday it was still rough (the red flags were still up), Tuesday the yellow was raised, but I was still ankle deep.  Today, however, was a different picture.  There were NO waves, the Gulf was as still as I have ever imagined.  I ventured out (still a little apprehensive) deeper and deeper until I was waist high.  Then before I knew it I was just hanging out!  It was really cool!  The cool factor was put over the top when we started seeing (and stepping on) Rays. We could not believe that they were so close.  They were not so big but we knew what they were. Very cool.  We were also swimming with the fishes, literally.  There were so many little fish that it looked like we were parting the Red Sea when we swam and waded through them. We also saw dolphins playing 50 to 100 yards out from us. Tonight when we walked the beach, Scott and the boys saw two more Rays that were probably 12" in diameter.  
When we got back to the condo, I did a quick Wikipedia search and saw that these puppies could be dangerous......  I think I may be back to ankle wading tomorrow!  

Full moon over the Gulf of Mexico

On a side note, Scott just read what I wrote and he thinks I have lost my mind when he found out that I have never swam in the ocean.  His question was "Why do you make me come to the beach if you don't swim?"  LOL!  

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