Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Flooring & Home Movies

So much has occurred the past week, let me catch you up.  We met our second realtor on Saturday ~ wow, what a difference.  On Saturday, we called and set up an appointment to meet with another carpet rep, also our second estimate.  Monday the fine people from Carpets Direct (a local, family owned business) came to the house and gave us an amazing quote for the entire house.  Let's just say that the first quote from Empire (name used to protect you from foolish purchases) was $2000 more than Carpets Direct and we are laying new flooring in the kitchen.  The new flooring will be laid on Monday and Tuesday next week.  The house is going to look so different.  Scott Patrick, our realtor from Keller Realty, will take interior pictures once we get the new flooring down.  We are very pleased so far with our second choices.  

Also over the weekend we started going through Scott's closet.  We found home movies from when the boys were little.  When we put in the first VHS tape (do they still make those?) into the VCR the boys were mesmerized.  Jacob kept laughing at Warren and Warren kept laughing at Jacob, ahh, brotherly love.  They also found it funny how young we looked and how much hair their dad had.  Hahaha!   We also noticed that our cats (Homey, who is in Cat Heaven and Lucky cat) used to rule the roost.  In every shot there is either one or the other sprawled out or batting a toy around.  It's quite funny to see how simple life was back then.  Scott is in the process of transferring the VHS to DVD as we speak.  Who needs prime time TV when you have home movies from the 90's.  

We have a lot of work to do over the next few days to get ready for new flooring.  We have told the kids that it is spring cleaning times 100.  We have 24 plastic bins that we are able to stack in the garage to help us get organized.  We also plan on several trips to Goodwill and a large garbage load next week.  The weekend is sure to be busy yet very productive.  

1 comment:

Your Bro said...

Hey big sis,
Love to sit here and read about how you and the family are doing. I'm proud of you, you got great kids and a good man even though he is a Cowboys fan. I love you sis and miss you.
I know the last time we got together wasn't the best time to meet up but life is like that I guess. Will Talk to you soon.
Love you and tell all hi and give big hugs and kisses.