Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year

New Years Eve and what are we doing.... playing the Wii with Jacob and I'm blogging.  Warren is at a friend's house ~ having fun.  We are so old!  We do have a bottle of "SchwandL" (a brand of champagne for those of you who do not know German).  It was a freebie when Scott bought our authentic German cuckoo clock on his last trip abroad.  And to make it even funnier, we are drinking it out of a double shot glass ~ our faux champagne flutes went to Goodwill yesterday.  Hope you and your family are having an uneventful evening as well.  

A few things going on this week.  The house is finally on the real estate market.  Our realtor came by the other day and did the official sign in the front yard and also the lock box on the front door.  Also on the same day, we had a 22' x 6' wide dumpster delivered to help us with the purging of our junk.  And boy do we have a lot of junk.  I've also driven to Goodwill several times the past few days.  I need to get started on the taxes (I do ours myself with the help of TurboTax)....  

Scott met with his China boss last week and we have the week nailed down for his portion of the relocation.  He will be leaving the first week of March.  Which means that he only has about 47 days left in the states (he has 12 days in which he will be in Germany and China the end of January/first of February).  WOW!!!  Time has really flown by, it seems like just yesterday we were saying "in 15 months we will be...."  We are getting excited about the move, and a little anxious at the same time.  For Christmas, we got a couple of books on being an Expat.  Good read, good info.  I also got two books on global nomads and raising third culture kids (expat children).  I haven't started to read them yet, but will start soon.  Scott gave me a book on not losing my identity after being relocated.  I haven't started that either.  That will be my first book, it looks very interesting ~ it is in workbook form with interactive areas where I can jot down different things.  I'm sure it will assist me in the process.  

Thanks to all who have been reading our blog.  I appreciate all the comments, whether posted or emailed to us.  Keep praying for us, we need all the help we can get.  

Happy New Year, may 2009 be full of good fortune for you and your family!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have friends who are expat in Khazakstan and have been there about 2 years now. Let me know if you would like to contact her for insight. Facebook is proving to be a rather useful tool for cross culture connecting.

I look forward to following the adventure :-)
