Saturday, January 31, 2009

Almost forgot

Yep, 2 posts in one what do you see in this photo? I know, it's a bathroom but take a look around before you continue with the posting. Perhaps it's just me.....
Okay, now see the answer key in the image below....

Did you happen to notice that not only is there a phone on the wall by the toilet, there is also a bottle opener circled in red on the wall by the counter. Yep, a bottle opener in the bathroom. I'm not quite sure how to react to that. In my warped mind I'm thinking, okay so I have a beer while I'm on the the phone to call room service for another beer? Ja, Hallo! Bier bitte, #8078, Schnell, Schnell!!!!

One more thing, just to keep the mood. I open the mini bar at the hotel, okay standard stuff right. Beer, soda, chips, pretzels, peanuts all for outrageous prices. It almost escaped me but I looked again and what to my wondering eyes appear....
The beautiful purple package of Durex Emotions. For those who don't know (or pretend not to know), these are condoms, a 3-pack no less....I guess someone has pretty high expectations for the evening. I'm not sure if they got the Emotions pack because you cry when you notice the price (6.50 Euros) or when you realize this isn't a "full service" hotel. Perhaps this is what the Democrats want as part of the "stimulus" package.
Okay, enough for today. My next post....Suzhou. Stay tuned.

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