Monday, June 21, 2010


I’m not going to say a lot about this image; I’m going against my natural inclination and not talk about politics (as much as I’d love to post a rant)…I’ll leave it at this, a picture is worth a thousand words. We found this t-shirt on Saturday and I had to get it. I’ll be you never thought you would see me ever wearing a t-shirt of Obama. I think this is probably the best and most accurate portrayal of Obama that I've seen and you know I’ll be wearing it.

In case you are wondering, the quote beneath the picture is from Chairman Mao, “Service for the people” along with a copy of Mao’s signature. More to follow on this t-shirt but I'll let you ponder about the perspective of seeing a US President wearing a Mao suit and how this could be viewed differently in two seperate nations.
Stay tuned....if this doesn't generate some conversation, I don't know what would.


woodymatthewdudley said...

You will have to wear this when you come home. I am enjoying reading your posts. You should compile a book.

Jim said...

One of your best finds ever!
And it's not from a vast right-wing conspiracy. Does it come in XL?

Melissa Scott said...

Oh and I love the shirt too!

Melissa Scott said...

Hey speaking of making a book, I agree. I love reading your blog! My mom has a blog and on blogger and recently made me a book complied of her blog topics using You should look into it, it would make a great keepsake reminder of y'alls adventure! Keep up the posting, even if you don't get a lot of comments your blog is being read and enjoyed!