Sunday, July 1, 2012

People are stupid

I have several mottos to live by; near the top of the list…..people are stupid. No, it’s not very nice but it happens to be true. When (not if) you come to this realization, it will help to explain many of the things that happen every day all around us. You want evidence. How about this one example that will prove to you that people are stupid. Take a look at this photo from the top of a small container of cheese purchased in the supermarket. It says 20% more….WOO-HOO!!!! We’re about to get more for the money right?!?! Not really, read the whole thing. It says 20% MORE cheese than our 5 oz. packages. Now look at the bottom, it’s a 6 ounce package. [Editors note, I really cannot convey the sarcasm in this next section enough so when you read this, lay it on thick.] 20% more cheese in a 6 oz package than a 5 oz package…..Wow! How did they do that??? That’s incredible!!! This company really knows how to put the consumer first!!!! This defies the laws of physics and math!

I can just imagine the global marketing strategy meeting for DiGiorno.

     Marketing guy: “We don’t need to do much except change the size of the package and indicate that it is MORE and people will buy it and feel good about getting a bargain”.

    CEO: “Genius. Now I can get that corporate jet that the politicians are always talking about. I didn’t see the need before but it appears if I really want to be envied, I need one of those.”

How else can you explain this? They didn’t change anything but added in the small “20% MORE” snippet of information and we’re hooked. The average consumer looks at this and says to themselves “Self. I need that because it’s more for the money, after all it says so right on the package.” Think about how many times you see a package in the grocery store that says “___% More or ___% Larger”, it’s all around you. Now, next time read further. Many times they change the size of the box and actually keep the total amount in the box the same but because it says it’s larger, it’s assumed that they have increased the amount of the product in the box. Of course, at the same time they increase the price. But because they figure people aren’t paying attention, which they are not, they buy it and think they are getting more for their money. Caveat emptor people!

Of course you cannot use just one example so I’ll add this food for thought. JCPenney has gone to labeling their merchandise with the actual price that they will charge. No more sales, no more gimmicks, just the actual price that you will pay. What has happened since the implementation of this new policy? They have lost about 20% in revenue. Why? Because people feel better about buying something if they see it is marked down. “Oooh, this is on sale for $6.99, marked down from $17.49, I really need it now because it is such a good deal.” Over at JCPenney, they just have it marked for $6.99 without the “Marked Down”, “Sale”, “Discount” tag. People buy at the other store because they feel they get a better deal although they are paying the same price. Think about it, how many times do you see these markdowns on jewelry, clothing, furniture, etc.? Do you think that anyone really pays full price anymore? Getting it for half price typically means that they marked it up by 60% or more, you just think it’s a deal because you think it’s really half price. JCPenney was just taking away the gimmicks and providing an honest price but rather than being applauded for getting rid of the gimmicks, they are losing money. Why? People are easily hoodwinked.

Still not convinced? Still need that one last piece of evidence to tip the scales? Look no further than the electorate and what the politicians are doing. We are spending more than we take in as a country. As a household, we would call that a recipe for disaster as one day, the bill collector cometh and taketh away and we will need to pay the bills. Most people (please note the word most because…well you know) tighten their belt and find ways to save cash (and I’m not talking about these coupon crazies that purchase outrageous quantities of items for a “good deal” and hoard them in their basement for the day that they will need a case of Rice Krispies. Hey, add that in to the “people are stupid” as exhibit C) in order to get out of debt. People want “free” stuff from the government not because they earned it but because they have a “right” to it. They forget that someone else is picking up the tab (and it’s your neighbors!). Too many people do not realize that the government doesn’t have any money it doesn’t first take from someone else (emphasize the word TAKE please). Government funds are the people’s funds but the politicians and too many in the electorate have lost their way. Far too many people have become takers and not givers (approximately ½ of the potential taxpayers pay ZERO in taxes, how’s that for “fairness”). What’s the solution….spend more of course! People are not only stupid but they are basically selfish. Ask not what you can do for your country, ask instead what your country should give to you. Everyone gripes about the politicians (see “most hated jobs” post) but yet when it comes time to pull the lever, people vote for the same fool they hated yesterday. The politicians know it which is why they do everything in Tweet segments. When things aren’t going their way, they lash out and use ridiculously overblown statements like “they want grandma thrown out in the street” or they want you to “drink dirty water” (those bastards!) or they grandstand and walk out from a vote (sorry guys, this is becoming old). Every wonder why the President has term limits but the Senators and Congress people don’t? You know why.

You can find other examples every day, how about the warning labels on items we purchase. Don’t put this plastic bag over your head, don’t put your fingers inside the blender and turn it on, caution….hot coffee can burn you. Why are these there? Because people are stupid and stupid people find lawyers that sue companies and/or people for stupid things. How about this little league mom that is suing a 13 year old boy for hitting her in the eye with a baseball. It wasn’t intentional but because she has medical bills (and attorney’s fees) to pay, she needs to find the person responsible. She didn’t get anything from the little league so now she goes after a child. Seriously, the parents aren’t liable here since there was no intent, what does she expect, they are going to garnish the kid’s wages from his paper route? Sometimes an accident is just that but that isn’t good enough anymore. Who pays when companies like McDonalds lose a lawsuit? Of course, you do. In the end, (to quote Ron White) “You can’t fix stupid”, but we are all paying the price for it. How stupid is that?

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