Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I want my Mummy!

Today we went to the Atlanta Civic Center to see the exhibit titled Tutankhamun the Golden King and the Great Pharaohs.  We saw ancient Egyptian Pharaoh artifacts with King Tut sprinkled in at the end. There were no mummies, there was no Tut...
There were artifacts that were buried along with the boy king, but there was no sarcophagus. That probably doesn't surprise some of you, but we were really surprised when at the end of the final gallery that was it.  Quite anti-climatic.  

Now don't get me wrong, the exhibit was great and I'm glad that we had a chance to go see the items, but the show was overhyped.  All that was shown on the TV made it appear to be the greatest thing since sliced bread.  I think if the civic center were to title the exhibit what it really is, they would not have the huge ticket sales.  And to further that thought, I'm sure that some visitors will send their letters and tell their friends (kind of like what I'm doing!).  If you were one of the thousands who had the opportunity to see the original Tut tour back in the 70's don't waste your hard earned cash on this one!  If you are curious to see how ancient Egyptian royalty lived, please get your tickets.  

You were warned...........

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Busy Week

How time flies.....  This week has been so crazy.  We have had so much going on all week.  I have wanted to post since Tuesday night when our special was on ~ did anyone watch it??  It was so fun to watch it with Jacob!  We kept looking at one another as the episode aired with the silly cheshire grin on each of our faces.  It was a lot of fun, I am so glad that we had a chance to participate in the filming.  

Thursday I had my second Hep A & B shots... ouch!  Only one more set to go through (that will happen in 5 months) on approximately April 20th.  Oh man...  that means that we only have 6 months to go ~ anxiety anyone?  

Also on Thursday we met with our Realtor.  That was interesting.....  I have never sold a house so I did not know what to expect.  Very informative.  She should be out to take pictures of the brown lawn and the dead trees in the front yard this weekend.  (Man, I knew I should have taken those pretty summer pictures with the flowers in bloom!)  We will be meeting with her again on Monday afternoon to sign the legal papers, put the sign in the front yard, and all the other "stuff" that will need to be done to make it legal...  

This morning (Saturday) the carpet sales rep came to the house, another interesting meeting.  We are still up in the air about whether to lay new carpet, or have a carpet "incentive" for the potential buyers.  I like to call it an incentive (yes, I do wear rose colored glasses!).   If anyone has any thoughts on this, we would love to hear your ideas.  

We are off to see King Tut on Monday at the Atlantic Civic Center.  We've been watching the Tut shows on National Geographic all weekend.  Ok, I've been watching and making the boys and Scott suffer through them.  You can only watch how scientist "think" that Tut died so many times before you have to break into the wine cellar.  I'm excited to see the exhibit, I'm not sure if anyone else is, but do I really care? (LOL)  On Tuesday, we are off to the High Museum to see the Terra Cotta Warriors exhibit.  Yet again, I'm excited, not so sure everyone else in the house is at the same level of excitement.  

Wednesday, we are off to South Carolina to spend the Thanksgiving holiday with the Dudley clan.  I'm going to try to post a few pictures of each museum visit along with a "short" blog each day.  Note the word "try" in the prior sentence!  

Happy Thankgiving week everyone!  

Monday, November 17, 2008

Dear Food Network Update

We are less than 48 hours from the premiere of Dear Food Network: Thanksgiving. I know, I know it was supposed to be on tomorrow, but you will have to wait one more day! Tomorrow night is Dear Food Network: Thanksgiving Disasters (sweet potato flambé anyone? ~ sorry, inside family joke!). I saw a commercial tonight during Iron Chef, and boy did it get me excited for the holiday season. Jacob is getting excited to see the show also, remember he asked one of the scripted questions... "hey mister, you forgot the stuffing!".

I hope that everyone can see the show, if not, it will be on again before Thanksgiving. We have our DVR set to record all three of the Dear Food Network specials this week (guess what you are getting for Christmas, no just kidding!)

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Do you grill?

Last night we got a very interesting phone call from a 212 area code.  It was from a Food Network casting director.  They are going to be filming another "Dear Food Network" special in January to be aired in June.  This episode will be about GRILLING...  problems, questions, etc.  They told us in the email that Jacob and I are not eligible to go ~ darn!  Scott might be in Germany or China when they shoot, so he will not be able to go. We are not sure who the host will be, my luck it will be Bobby Flay.  
If you want more info, send me an email and I will forward to you the email from the casting agent.  Also, I don't think you have to be in the metro Atlanta area for this either, they are accepting questions via video messaging for part of this special.  

On a related note...  Dear Food Network:  Thanksgiving will air on Monday, November 17th.  Don't worry, I'll keep reminding you:-)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


First of all, I want to thank all of you who have either called or emailed us with kind words and wishes.  I appreciate all of them and you!  

Shadow and I spent most of the morning at the vet's office.  The Vet looked at the chest x-ray that was taken on Saturday and concluded that there is no fluid on her heart, good news ~ no congestive heart failure.  He listen to her and also looked at the report from the emergency clinic and agreed with what they had said.  He has ordered us a Holter to monitor her heart rate for 24 hours, hopefully to be delivered either Tuesday or Wednesday.  The 24 hour monitoring device will monitor the ventricular premature contractions (VPC's).  She will wear the device for 24 hours, then the device will be sent back to the company that we ordered it from. From there the vet will decide the next course of treatment.  The medicine that she will probably end up taking (hopefully) will reduce her VPC's by up to 85%.  It was because of a run of VPC's that she had her incident on Saturday.  Let's all hope and pray that she does not have any more long runs of these.  
This condition is very common in Boxers and common in many dogs and cats. The disease in Boxers is called Boxer Cardiomyopathy, and is treatable but not curable. 

Thank you all again for your well wishes, I will update when we know anything else............

Monday, November 3, 2008

A Scary Weekend

Saturday was our last weekend for soccer at CYS.  I had made several trips back home for various things during the day.  The last trip home was after 1pm. I thought we would bring Shadow up to the field for our meeting after the last game of the day with the board of directors (both Scott and I serve on this board for soccer).  The last games were over and we had all gathered around to start the meeting.  Shadow was being such a good girl and just hanging out with us.  We had been meeting for about 45 minutes when Shadow had started coughing, so I moved her around to the back of the meeting as to not to draw attention to her hacking.  About 5 minutes after that, our lead Pastor for the group came over to her and said "is that normal", well she "fainted".  To put it more bluntly, she stopped breathing and her heartbeat stopped.  All I could say is "oh my God she is dead".  I really thought she was.  The others in the meeting stood up and came over to where Shadow was laying and I was standing and just looked at her.  I had to step away, I was already beginning to go into shock as to what was happening.  Some of the others went down to her and saw that she had started breathing (albeit very, very sporadic).  Rick picked her up (at least I think it was Rick) and moved her very quickly to the van and by this time her breathing had picked up a little, and her heart was starting back beating. Rick and Scott took her to the emergency clinic in Fayetteville to been seen and diagnosed.   At the clinic, they took and ECG and also a chest x-ray.  The emergency vet had concluded that she has heart disease and an abnormal arrhythmia.  We have done research on the internet and have found that this is the most common problem/disease that Boxers can have.  
I am taking her to our vet in the morning to have her checked out by them. Hopefully they will be able to tell us something more and give her medicine to have her heart rate beat more regular.  

I was really afraid yesterday afternoon that she was gone.  I want to thank Rick, Cristy, Kelly, Wendy, Rebecca, and the others for giving me hugs and being there for us.