Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I want my Mummy!

Today we went to the Atlanta Civic Center to see the exhibit titled Tutankhamun the Golden King and the Great Pharaohs.  We saw ancient Egyptian Pharaoh artifacts with King Tut sprinkled in at the end. There were no mummies, there was no Tut...
There were artifacts that were buried along with the boy king, but there was no sarcophagus. That probably doesn't surprise some of you, but we were really surprised when at the end of the final gallery that was it.  Quite anti-climatic.  

Now don't get me wrong, the exhibit was great and I'm glad that we had a chance to go see the items, but the show was overhyped.  All that was shown on the TV made it appear to be the greatest thing since sliced bread.  I think if the civic center were to title the exhibit what it really is, they would not have the huge ticket sales.  And to further that thought, I'm sure that some visitors will send their letters and tell their friends (kind of like what I'm doing!).  If you were one of the thousands who had the opportunity to see the original Tut tour back in the 70's don't waste your hard earned cash on this one!  If you are curious to see how ancient Egyptian royalty lived, please get your tickets.  

You were warned...........

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