Thursday, December 4, 2008

You'll shoot your eye out, kid!

Let me preface this by saying that today's message will be not for the casual reader.  Instead of a blog, I'm calling this a "b-itch".  Sorry in advance if that offends anyone, but that is what tonight's read will be.  

First off, today is December 3, and "A Christmas Story" is on for the first time (that we have noticed anyhow).  I am including this because my dear husband is quoting almost every line before it is said, argh!  I think there is football or something on satellite somewhere.    

Second, we met with our former realtor tonight.  Yes, former realtor.  We originally met with her (and I will not use her name to protect the innocent) before Thanksgiving.  She had scheduled an appointment on one night but had to cancel because of a migraine.  Ok, maybe.  The next night she showed up late with jeans and a sweatshirt on.  Ok, maybe we should have had the light go on then?  Over the Thanksgiving holiday week, we were not in town, but she told us that she would have "the sign" in the front yard on Friday and meet up with us on Saturday when we got home.  I called her when we got back in town, left a message "expecting" (expectations, who would have thought?) for her to return our call and meet up with us.  Yea, right.  On Monday, I called again.  This time leaving one of "those" messages on her voicemail.  It's amazing when you leave one of those messages, the return call is very prompt.  She told us a story about thinking that we were out of town until this weekend ~ why? we have kids that go to school (again, the light did not go on...) and she was going to put the sign in the yard this upcoming Friday (blah blah blah).  She agreed to meet us at the house tonight at 4pm to go over the paperwork and sign the contract.  Well....  she called me at 3:45 asking to move it back to 5:30, then called again asking for 6:30, then at 6:30 called and told me where she was.  Finally, she got to the house at 7pm and we had had enough.  I told Scott that I was not getting the warm fuzzy's from her and that we need to kick her to the curb.  He agreed (I know, like he had any choice!).  ~ I don't get feisty too often, but when someone really takes advantage of the situation or does not treat me or my family right, you better watch out.  We are currently taking applications for a real estate agent.  Those who can and will sell our house please step up.

I thought it was a pain to sell a house, no one told us that finding a realtor was a pain also.   

Thank you for reading this far in the post.  It was therapy for me to write it out.  I hope you enjoyed reading about my misery!!  


Anonymous said...

I guess she has sold so many houses lately that she doesn't need
to make any more money. Must be nice!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! I hate you had that experience! It's funny you should mention a Christmas Story. I was just discussing with my mom how that annoying movie seems to be all guys' favorite Christmas movie. ...and I love most Christmas movies!!

Anonymous said...

Oh Tammy, I hate that for you! Sending my love!
Bekah D