Sunday, March 29, 2009

Two more down...

The Lingering Garden and the Master of Nets Garden....check. Both are World Cultural Heritage sites, if that means anything to you and so are big draws for Suzhou (along with other places like the Humble Administrator's Garden). If you've looked through the other photos of the gardens that have been previously toured, you might begin to notice some similarities. The rocks are probably the one major common thread between them. These rocks were all brought here from a lake to the southwest of Suzhou. It had to be a major haul to get them to Suzhou but with the canal system in the city, I am certain the rocks were probably moved by boat for some portion of the trip.

As with last weekend, we ended up getting our photos taken several times by some Chinese. In one photo, I noticed we were going to be in the shot and so Steve and I shifted out of the frame. When they realized we had moved, they asked us to be a part of the photo (typically they just say "picture please" and indicate to stand with them). We obliged, they had a good time with it and so what they heck. We weren't nearly as interesting as this young toddler from Europe (I think France from hearing the parents). They scooped him up and starting snapping photos with the Mom's permission. It was fun just watching, the Dad was off watching the other kids while this was happening but he knew what was going on. This guy never realized it but he was a rock star. The image below shows the photos being taken by many with a camera.

They worked him over pretty good, there's at least 4 people taking the photo with everyone trying to get his attention. His mom is watching but it's obvious she knew this was going to happen and perhaps has experienced it before. It's not that they are rude or anything but if they aren't from the Eastern seaboard of China, there's not a whole lot of Westerner's to be found so we're a bit of an oddity (like the freak show has come to town...come and be amazed by the human walking stick). Most of the Suzhou locals are accustomed to us but for others, it's a new experience. It's a little odd but it isn't threatening, you are different and they are reacting to it. They giggle when they ask to take the photo and then laugh as they walk away. I think next time, I will ask that they take a picture for me with my camera, I wonder what the reaction will be at that time.

I've posted the photos so take a look and enjoy. The English translations from some of the signs are funnier than anything I can write so I'll let them stand on their own. Have a good one.


Anonymous said...

Nice job with the blog and the pictures are really nice. I need to take and go through them again, because I just looked at them but I didn't look real close at them. Take care and becareful. Love ya Barbara & Jim

Jenny said...

I'll definitely have to bring Olivia to visit now. She'll be a celebrity!!