Friday, March 6, 2009

Week one of twelve

Scott left Tuesday morning for Suzhou to begin his two year contract.  We have been able to talk to him only a couple of times via Skype because of jet lag and trying to figure out the whole time zone thing (he is 13 hours ahead of us ~ until Sunday when we "spring forward" one hour).  I'm sure that he will blog sometime this weekend to catch everyone (including us) up on what he's been doing, in his creative way of writing.  

It's only been a couple of days and the boys have been adapting well (knock on wood).  I figure this weekend, Jacob may have a moment or two (last time Scott went for the 2 week period, it was about day 5 when Jacob had a minor breakdown).  I do have to say, that we have really good kids and I'm hopeful that there will not be too many times that I have to call on the dads that I know to knock some sense into either of them (you guys know who you are!).  I am also very thankful that we have some good people (friends) that have said that whatever I need, just call ~ thank you in advance for all that you will help me with.  I am also VERY, VERY thankful that we have great neighbors!  I must admit that I will miss them all when June gets here.  You know the type of neighbors that pick up pizza boxes off the lawn after a windy night, push down sod after a giant dumpster is picked up, or mow the lawn when you've been out of town for a few days.  You know who you are, we are so thankful for you, God Bless you!!!  Thank you so much!!!!   

Not much of a blog tonight, I just wanted to get back into the blogging routine.  It's hard to blog when my husband is such a good writer.  I've had somewhat of a complex, since my writing is not nearly as interesting as his.  But I know that is because I'm here in the States, and he is on his adventure in the Middle Kingdom.  

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