Monday, March 21, 2011

Dora the Explorer

Last weekend, Tammy and a couple of female friends took a day off from the men and headed to Shanghai for an overnight stay while the kids and I remained back in Suzhou. I know, you’re asking yourself “How is it possible that she needs time away from me?” I have a hard time believing it myself….it’s got to be the kids, they drive everyone crazy. (One example, the kids have “discovered” Weird Al Yankovic, I know how odd that sounds since he has been around for years, and they are playing “White and Nerdy” on both computers as I write this but the songs are not in sync so there’s a delayed stereo sound to it.) However, that was just a precursor for what was yet to come. This Saturday, she and a couple of friends headed off to Cambodia for some “backpacking” (I call it her “Dora the Explorer” trip). She is going to see Angkor Wat and a couple of other areas of interest in Cambodia on her week away. She and her friends kept calling it a backpacking tour of Vietnam and Cambodia but it isn’t exactly as you would see it in your mind when you think of backpacking. The Vietnam came off the trip and the focus remained on Cambodia. Although it isn’t really backpacking and roughing it, it probably isn’t a luxury vacation either. They found some decent places to stay and will see as much as they can before they return.

Again, I know you are asking yourself “How can anyone handle being apart from Scott for more than one week?” Yet another good question and yet another one that I blame on the kids! Actually, we have wanted to get to Angkor Wat as a family but I know that it’s not really one of those trips where there is a lot to do for the kids and with the time running short, I am happy that at least one of us will get out to see a little more of this part of the world while we have the chance. Perhaps if you beg, she’ll blog about her trip to Cambodia (backpack-backpack, backpack-backpack). She has taken both cameras and a small notebook on her journey to collect the memories for several blog posts so she should have plenty of stories to tell.

How do the kids and I get along with her gone? Well, it’s not the same and they know it. This isn’t like when I left and came over to China for 3 months without the kids. It’s different because without her here, the kids have to take a little more on themselves while I am at work. It’s not like this isn’t done every day back home but it is new for them. They understand that dinner will be later than normal and perhaps the menu will be a little less diverse. Tammy has added in Indian curries to her repertoire and I have no idea how to do that. I can cook many different things (wheat toast, white toast, rye toast…I almost qualified for Top Chef, but then they asked me to cook on the stove and the dream was over). When Tammy goes somewhere overnight by herself it’s referred to as “Camp Dudley”. When I am away for a night, it is party time!

One night they can live with, a whole week….that’s going to be a bigger challenge for all of us. Tammy will be using Skype on her phone to keep in touch with us so we look forward to hearing from her and hearing a bit about her day. Unfortunately, when you think of modern amenities you don’t necessarily think of Cambodia at the top of the list (Wireless, yes we have no wires.). We’ll have to wait and see how that turns out but either way, we’ll have photos and stories to listen to when she arrives home. The question is what will her family look like upon her return? Will the kids be disheveled and appear like refugees that had to escape some evil warlord (um, that would be me)? Will we all look a little leaner since the food options have diminished (mmmm, peanut butter on noodles, I like it but not every night)? Will my hair completely fall out or turn 100% gray? {Add in your own question in this spot}
This morning we found out that we only have one key for the apartment between the three of us and we can’t lock the door without the key. Someone (not me) has lost their keys but since they arrive home before me we have to travel together to school & work (ahhh togetherness). This tells you how the “Backpack-Backpack” week started for the men of the house. It’s not looking promising for the home team and it’s only Monday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can just imagine the stories that she will have when she comes home on Friday. You will do a great job with the kids and yourself. You had to manage before Tammy got over there and you did just fine. Food options as long as you guys eat that is all that matters, if it is p&j oh well. But you three will survive. Take care Love you guys.