Thursday, March 24, 2011

Dora (part III)

So like any good sequel, we continue to describe the daily activities of the Dudley men as we attempt to survive without Tammy. Last night I decided I would cook dinner, not because I wanted to but because I don’t want to order for delivery. We ordered out for delivery on Saturday night and it wasn’t pretty. We decided to try out a Thai place here and found it to be very disappointing. The food was just okay but it wasn’t Thai or at least I didn’t think it tasted like Thailand. Now after being to Thailand I can turn up my nose at places and state in a very aloof manner “That’s not Thai food.” (and so I did, arrogant isn’t it) The food smell indicated right away that they were very heavy-handed on the fish sauce and it totally killed the meal. Warren didn’t mind (big surprise) but for me it was far too much. So that meant we would try and cook for ourselves. I pulled out the big guns and went for the Red Curry since it had been almost a week without curry and I had to get a true Thai fix in before I went into withdrawals. I followed the instructions and the curry came out okay, although the kids didn’t eat as much as they usually do. What’s the comment….your rice is dry. Being the loving parent I declined to beat them senseless and said “Of course it is (all the better to have some for leftovers), it’s with a curry.” I wasn’t defeated, it was edible and there was no “morning after” regret (if you know what I mean).

So food….check. Laundry, I am doing it but I don’t know where it all comes from. The kids seem to believe that if they touch something, it needs to be washed. Maybe it’s true but they wear PJ bottoms and the next day…in the wash. What!?! How about wearing them a couple of days before washing them? If they are standing up in the corner, it’s time to wash, other than that, man up and wear it for two whole days without washing them. Woah! Now that’s crazy talk! It’s insane how much laundry that two kids generate. It was getting to the point that I was going to have to call for “two for Thursday” and “free Friday”, meaning that on Thursday they would wear the same thing they did on Wednesday and on Friday underwear was optional (since it may not be washed). The washer we have is small and although we have 2 dryers, neither is really adept at getting the clothes dry quickly. The washer takes between 25 – 30 minutes to wash maybe two pairs of pants and a couple of shirts but that is it. When they come home, they put their clothes in the washer and change. Their PE outfits go into the hamper and wait for me to arrive to transfer the washed clothes into the dryers (or if it is nice, out on the line to dry….take that Al Gore!). The problem is I instantly have to do a second load which won’t see the dryer before bedtime and I can’t just keep washing all night because I have other important things to do (like play the Xbox or stare blankly at the TV and talk to myself, which is something I do anyhow even when Tammy is there but I like to pretend that she listens and enjoys my babbling. Actually I think she is online with a support group for women with husbands who believe every line they say is comedic genius.) I’ve gotten 3 loads done before I crash for the night but I don’t seem to be making a dent in the pile of laundry since the kids come home and change, then change again after showers. It’s ridiculous, you would think that they would enjoy being able to wear “dirty” clothes.

So I miss posting on Wednesday because I didn’t get the blog written in time. Our VPN that we were using was discovered by the “Evil Empire” and has been blocked. So now, I can’t access the blog site from home at any time. It’s one of the downsides to living here. There is also talk that “they” want to take over Skype. I hope that is just a rumor but you really never know what to expect here. It will be what it will be and no amount of griping on my part will make a difference. It will be "for the common good" (does that sound like a familiar refrain coming from DC?) and to ensure the public safety. Honestly, if they have time to listen in on the Skype conversations and review the chats, they've got waaaay too much time on their hands. I think they'd be pretty bored with what they read and hear as opposed to what the probably think they would be able to uncover about the evil foreigners.

Anyhow, Tuesday night, curry (homemade). Wednesday night, pizza (delivery). Thursday night, yet to be decided. I think that we will go with the old spaghetti standby. I'm sure the kids will want Sherpas again but I'd rather just cook something (I've got leftover curry I can eat) and clear out the fridge. Tammy will be home on Friday so the adventures of Camp Dudley will end and she can post her “backpacking” tour of Cambodia for you to enjoy (along with many photos).

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