Tuesday, November 4, 2008


First of all, I want to thank all of you who have either called or emailed us with kind words and wishes.  I appreciate all of them and you!  

Shadow and I spent most of the morning at the vet's office.  The Vet looked at the chest x-ray that was taken on Saturday and concluded that there is no fluid on her heart, good news ~ no congestive heart failure.  He listen to her and also looked at the report from the emergency clinic and agreed with what they had said.  He has ordered us a Holter to monitor her heart rate for 24 hours, hopefully to be delivered either Tuesday or Wednesday.  The 24 hour monitoring device will monitor the ventricular premature contractions (VPC's).  She will wear the device for 24 hours, then the device will be sent back to the company that we ordered it from. From there the vet will decide the next course of treatment.  The medicine that she will probably end up taking (hopefully) will reduce her VPC's by up to 85%.  It was because of a run of VPC's that she had her incident on Saturday.  Let's all hope and pray that she does not have any more long runs of these.  
This condition is very common in Boxers and common in many dogs and cats. The disease in Boxers is called Boxer Cardiomyopathy, and is treatable but not curable. 

Thank you all again for your well wishes, I will update when we know anything else............


Anonymous said...

That is really scary! I am soooo glad to hear she ok. Hopefully, it will be a managable condition!!! Give Shadow a slobbery kiss from me and a butt sniff from Annie. lol

Cristy said...

Yay for the good news and Yay for Shadow!!