Thursday, December 25, 2008

Our Christmas Spirit ~ or lack thereof.....

Sitting here on Christmas Eve and it doesn't seem like Christmas.  We have no decorations inside nor out, and most of all, no Christmas tree.  Well, I lie.  We do have a Christmas tree...
Ok, ok, we know that it is a ceramic tree with some of the lights missing, but at least it's a tree.  It is not like we are being Scrooges' this season, we have had so much going on that it did not make sense to put up a tree for 2 days.  We had the carpet and flooring laid on Monday and Tuesday this week and putting up a tree for just a couple of days seemed foolish.  The kids are older and they know that it is not about the tree or the decorations.... it's about the presents (LOL).  We told Jacob that since it's a tiny tree that there would be tiny presents under it.  He didn't buy it.  It was really difficult getting into the spirit this year for so many reasons.....  too many to list here!

But we are trying to get in to the spirit.  Right now, we have on the first airing of the night of "The Christmas Story".  And the turkey is hanging out in the brine to be fried tomorrow.  We started a new Dudley family tradition tonight, we made homemade dumplings and fried rice.  Scott and I figured that since we will have authentic dumplings next year why not start today.  Jacob helped to make them and Scott did the rice.  It was pretty yummy!  

Jacob is tracking Santa on the site waiting patiently for him to get to his house (with the tiny presents).  I'm waiting for them to go to bed to start (yes, start) wrapping presents.  Our tradition is that there are no presents under the tree until Christmas morning.  I don't know why we started this 12 years ago, but we did.  Growing up we had presents under the tree, just not the ones from Santa (which of course did not get delivered until Christmas Eve after my brother and I went to bed).  I guess parents do the weirdest things.  

I hope that everyone has a wonderful Christmas!  Remember what the season is about...  it is about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!  

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!


Anonymous said...

Aw! What a cute little Christmas tree...I can't wait to see the "tiny little presents"...haha!! That's too funny! I hope you guys have a wonderful time together spending the time as a family. :-) Hugs! Jenny

Melanie said...

Girl I love you and love reading your blog. What a journey your about to go on. We pray for you all the time and miss you so much. I still can not say "Shadow" around Elliott without him spazing out. I love your family!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Melanie said...

Hey girl what is your email? Mine is