Thursday, March 12, 2009

The first week

So it’s Thursday, my official first week in China has passed without incident. It somehow seems like it’s been a lot longer than 1 week but I landed in Shanghai last Wednesday and had my first day in the office on Thursday. What’s a typical day for me in China? Good question (if you didn't ask this question - get with the program), here is a general look at my days here.

Wake up between 5:45 and 6:00 am, shower and get dressed. If you want the details here, you’re looking for a different site (or you need some counseling). I go down to breakfast right when they open at 6:30. Although the food changes slightly from day-to-day, my typical breakfast is 3 pieces of French Toast, some meat product (sometimes it’s SPAM, sometimes it’s bacon), potatoes (could be hash browns, pan fried potatoes or even mashed potatoes), and some fried rice (again this varies as far as the type, ham, salmon, pork, whatever). I’ve added 2 fried eggs and some toast to the breakfast fare as well to ensure if there is “fish day” at the office, I can make it through until dinner (see earlier posts on my Feb visit to Suzhou for information on “fish day”). Of course, there’s coffee; or at least what passes for coffee here. It’s harsh stuff but with a pound of sugar and a gallon of creamer it’s palatable. I grab a couple of small muffins on my way out to take in to work with me. Sometimes I eat the fruit (melon, oranges, etc.) but since I’ve added the fried eggs, I don’t want to overdo it. I’m back to the apartment by 7:00 am.

Contact the family on Skype webcam for 20-30 minutes and then pack up and get ready to go to the office. Warren always asks questions, Jacob is watching TV or playing his PSP (I get no respect I tell ya). I’ll head down to the lobby by 7:50 to catch the van to work at 8:00 am. It leaves by 8:05 so you’d better be there or prepare to grab a cab. Usually the morning is quiet on the van ride in, some have earphones on listening to music, some sleep. I look around a chuckle at all of the strange sights you see and how the driver is doing. It’s just so different, watching someone ride a bicycle and talk on a cell phone all while riding across 8 lanes of traffic. Sometimes it’s just best to close your eyes or turn your head and talk to someone on the drive.

In to the office by 8:30 at the latest. I’ll do a quick walk around until the supervisor’s office (my temp office space) is opened. I’ll snap some photos and see what has changed since yesterday. Then, it’s into the office and hooking up with the computer. I’ll catch up on e-mail and see what’s in store for my day. Tammy and I will IM on Skype for a short time before she goes to bed. I’ll also get notes from others back in the US so I’ll chat and get the latest information. C’mon, it’s work related……

The day has no real routine yet, it changes by the day. For whatever reason, the morning usually flies by and it’s 12:00 and lunchtime before I know it. I take the walk of quiet anticipation as I head to the canteen to see what’s for lunch. MMMmmm, I can taste it now, gelatinous clear potato noodles or is it silken tofu stuff, perhaps it’s mushrooms & peppers. I don’t really enjoy the lunches but I try to taste everything. I didn’t get the “Boo Yow” out quickly enough this week and had the fish dumped on my plate (stop looking at me while I’m eating). I have to say it wasn’t all bad but my chopstick ability is terrible. I drop more food than I eat, I stop eating out of sheer exhaustion from trying to pick up something (hand cramps, hand cramps). I’m about to pack it in and bring a fork and knife but I don’t want to stand out any more than I already do.

As with the morning, the afternoon can be just about anything. But when it’s 4:45; pack it up baby and get your butt headed out to the van. If you’re not out there by 5:00, there’s hell to pay and there’s no guarantee that they will wait for you. Especially on Friday, be there or you’re on your own kid. It’s a little livelier ride in the afternoon. I still chuckle as we weave through traffic for the 20-30 minute ride back to the Chateau. Look out, d’oh!, sheesh! The Chinese are either the bravest people I’ve ever seen or the dumbest, time will tell.

Then I’m on my own for dinner. I went out the first night but since then I’ve gone grocery shopping and have been eating in more. I think I’ll limit myself to going out on the weekends or once during the week. It’s not about the money, it’s my paranoia about eating alone (I always see the scene from the Steve Martin film, The Lonely Guy, when he asks for a table for one). I’ll get over it since I need to find a good stable of eateries before the family arrives. I’ve already got a few, Marios and The People’s Kitchen, I need a few more (it’s tough to find mac-n-cheese and chicken fingers on any menu here). I’ve got to find a Thai place…getting the craving for L24. Anyhow, I’ll put in a load of laundry and think about what I want to eat. What’s in the fridge? Not much, Beer, Prego Spag,. Sauce, Salsa, Cheese and Butter (sounds like a dorm room fridge doesn’t it). When dinner is ready, I’ll watch one episode of 24 with dinner. It’s usually close to 7:00 by then and I’ll work some Chinese course in for 20-30 minutes or longer depending on my ability to focus. I’ll check the laundry and put it away when done and get the dishes done (that’s right ladies, laundry and dishes and I bring home the bacon….what else do you need?). Then I surf the web for awhile and when I see Tammy is online, I’ll Skype and we’ll chat for a few minutes while she gets her coffee in the morning. By the time we’re finishing talking, it’s time for bed. I’ll brush and get ready and then I’ll turn on the TV for a few moments, I don’t know why. The TV is on HBO so I’ll see what movie is on and sometimes get suckered into a bad movie (like anything on HBO is good) and then get mad at myself for watching the movie. I don’t stay up past 11:00, I need my beauty sleep or I’ll be cranky in the morning.

Sounds glamorous, doesn’t it? The schedule isn’t much different than many others, it’s the experiences during the day that make it different. I’ll post more soon on some of the experiences at work, that’s gold my friends but I’ve got to leave you wanting more so you’ll have to stay tuned in. Same bat time, same bat channel (you think I watched too much TV as a kid).


Anonymous said...

Scott -- Look out for the red heels vs. white t-shoes in 24 season 1. Bobby and Matthew kid me about this. Whenever Kim runs she is wearing the tennis shoes. When Kim was kidnapped she was on a blind date wearing red heels.

We've really enjoyed all the blogs you and Tammy put out. Thanks for inviting us into your adventures.
Michel & Bobby

Jim said...

I'd be careful about asking for Chicken Fingers. You may get what you ask for. Pretty easy to confuse fingers with toes in the translation.