Friday, April 10, 2009


As you know I eat early in the morning, around 6:35 I'm in the dining room (such as it is) grabbing my breakfast. I sit and eat my breakfast and as with anywhere (it seems) there is music piped in. [Side note: when you walk through the parks, they have fake rocks that they pipe music through, it's almost everywhere. Go to Hubin, Shang Fang It seems a bit odd, all of the talk of harmony and getting in touch through meditation and you have a hard time escaping noise. You would think a park would be the last place to pipe in music but you'd be wrong. Birds, what birds....oh, you mean Freebird....Skynard! Wooooo!]

Ok, so back to the story. While I'm sitting there I begin to hear music I recognize and it's not something I would expect to hear in China. Now, I'm not sure who picked the musac CD but it makes me wonder. The songs "Amazing Grace" and "Morning Has Broken" are mixed in with the other songs. Keep in mind, no vocals, just the music playing. If you don't know, these are Christian Hymns (if you attend a church regularly you'll need to go to confession if you don't know these hymns). I haven't really heard traditional gospel music in a long time, we attended the service that played Christian Rock (Freebird! Just kidding), but growing up I heard these songs sung many, many times (although the quality of the singing was suspect at times, but then again who gets to decide what a joyful noise is?) . Are you impressed Mom! I mean Amazing Grace is like the "Go To" hymn, I would think that everyone would recognize it. I realize that China is maybe a bit more open now than in the past but you don't wear your beliefs (religious or otherwise) out in public. They turn their back and tolerate you as long as you don't draw attention to your beliefs and especially try to "force it" on others in a public place. Do that and you're asking for big trouble. Perhaps expulsion from the country but maybe not until you've been given the tour of a Chinese prison from the inside (oh look, here's the photo of me crying like a baby as they take me inside. Aww, there's the photo of me getting beaten, man that brings back memories...). So it surprises me that this music is playing, I mean it's non-threatening but I wonder if anyone really knows what the music is. I know Nan would love this story, probably call it a "hoot" and say that the good Lord works in mysterious ways. Anyhow, I thought this would be interesting and for me it brings some comfort to hear music you recognize from your childhood (oh no, not This Little Light of Mine again), even if it is elevator music. Coming up on Easter weekend, this seemed very appropriate to mention. The weekend looks busy, check back and see the photos of where I go this weekend.

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