Saturday, April 4, 2009

Tomb Sweeping

Saturday, April 4th is the traditional time for tomb sweeping in China. According to the website; Qingming, also called Tomb Sweeping Festival, on which people visit the gravesites of their ancestors, pay respects to the dead at their tombs and hold memorial ceremonies in honor of their ancestors. This is one of many ways to demonstrate filial piety. As part of honoring the dead, people would also spend some time cleaning the gravesite area. They would uproot the weed near the gravesite, plant some new trees, wipe the tombstones and decorate the tombstone with fresh flowers. If you're interested you can find more information at the following link;

It has been raining all day today so there's not much to do but laundry and hang around the apartment. This stinks but hopefully tomorrow will clear up so I can get out and do something. There's nothing worse than being stuck indoors all day long. I can only watch so much of 24 or the Simpson's. I have been working on my Chinese and spent probably 2 hours working on that so I did get some things accomplished but it still doesn't feel like anything was done today. It could be much worse I'm sure so I'll stop whining and hope that the weather clears. It's too bad because the Tomb Sweeping Festival is supposed to include flying of kites which I was really looking forward to just going out and watching the kites, perhaps tomorrow.

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